A New Year a New You!

How many times have you heard that phrase? I know, and it’s only the 6th…

Well this year, a long with many other hopeful and lofty “Resolutions” or goals, I have decided to create a blog. (other Resolutions include but are not limited to: eat healthy, lose those last 15 lbs, organize and simplify our lives, and finish a few projects in the house… Oh I forgot me mention raise two girls, become a gardener, and of course have world peace! HA! Sounds like everyone’s goals for 2015 right? right? )

Now this is not my first rodeo. I used to have a blog (My Crack in the Grigsby Life) from 2009-2011. It was all about our wedding and the 13 other weddings that we went to the year we got married (2010) . I even kept writing after we were married, but not as often. A few months after we were married we found out we were expecting our first baby. A sweet girl, Vivienne. And then… that sweet girl took up all of my time. End of blogging, writing, reading for fun… She was our lives.

A year later… Vivi turned one, and just like that we were expecting another sweet girl, Millie. That’s when life got really fun. A 20 month old and a newborn. And somewhere in there I had this idea that I wanted to move. MOVE INTO A NEW HOUSE. Right then. I was going to find our dream house and move. ( Looking back it was the craziest/BEST thing we ever did.)  So we moved.. and found just that… Our dream house.  It is more than we could ever imagine we would have. And the best part…. it needs TLC. Everywhere! (read:1987 designer awesomeness- wallpaper and brass included.)

This space is going to be all about what is happening inside these walls. I had been calling it “Project Plantation”, however that would be all about the transformation of the house. I have used #projectplantation. And this is going to be much more than just renovations, DIY and design projects…. its about our lives. Or what we are eating. (Who doesn’t love a good recipe? ) Or about how my awesome Accountant-by-day-Contractor-by-night-husband, John Michael, is. (He deserves his own posts of the before and afters.) Or about these crazy-cute girls of ours and how they (try to) run the show. Or about our AMAZING neighbors. (Because really it could be a show on ABC)

Really now, What do YOU want me to write about? Of course I will post lots of pics of the girls… and the house. Maybe I will hold a contest or two… or a give away! (Who doesn’t love free stuff anyways?)

Well I hope that you read along, and enjoy a look into the McCracken Manor. I can’t wait for your feedback!


A New Year a New You!